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A comic montage of Peter Phillips and The Tallis Scholars photographed and assembled by Nick Rutter.

The rock stars of Renaissance vocal music. New York Times.

One of the UK's greatest cultural exports. BBC Radio 3.

Gimell Records was founded in 1980 to make and release recordings by The Tallis Scholars.


Through their award-winning recordings and in over 2,500 concerts, Peter Phillips and The Tallis Scholars have done more than any other group to establish the sacred vocal music of the Renaissance as one of the great repertoires of Western classical music.


To be released on Friday, 1st November


“Robert Fayrfax (1464-1521) bridges the gap between the Eton Choirbook and Thomas Tallis. No one before him had achieved the kind of expressive power he managed in these four antiphons, they are trailblazing and quite exceptional. I present this showcase to deliberately bring these four votive antiphons together.” Peter Phillips

The cover of the "Golden Renaissance" edition of Gramophone Magazine


GRAMOPHONE magazine has created a special mini edition that gathers together some of the milestones in the history of The Tallis Scholars' recordings. 28 pages that should generate more than a little nostalgia.

The album cover for the recording of John Sheppard's Missa Cantate by Peter Phillips and The Tallis Scholars. The artwork is a montage of details from Coronation of the Virgin by Gentile da Fabriano (c1370-1427).

Released to celebrate The Tallis Scholars' 50th Anniversary.


"The Tallis Scholars’ first Sheppard disc, released in 1989, created a new icon of English renaissance polyphony – Media vita. This is our second Sheppard album, featuring such masterpieces as the Missa Cantate, and his only votive antiphon on a festal scale, Gaude virgo Christiphera. These are major works, in a mid-century style which Sheppard fashioned for himself. Since he wrote more than almost any of his contemporaries - and is still relatively under-recorded – there is still a long way to go with him."  Peter Phillips

The album cover for the recording by Peter Phillips and The Tallis Scholars of Missa Hercules Dux Ferrarie by Josquin des Pres. The picture of Ercole I d'Este, Duke of Ferrara, is by Dosso Dossi ( c. 1489–1542).

BBC Music Magazine RECORDING OF THE YEAR 2021.

Gramophone Early Music Award 2021.

"With this ninth and final release in our Josquin Mass cycle, we come to three of his greatest works. Together they form a perfect showcase for a genius who felt challenged to make each setting different"  Peter Phillips

"A Heavenly Album" The Times

"the triumphant completion of The Tallis Scholars’ cycle of Masses by the fifteenth-century composer Josquin des Prés" The Independent

The album cover for the 1980 recording by Peter Phillips and The Tallis Scholars of Allegri's Miserere, Palestrina's Missa Papae Marcelli and William Mundy's Vox Patris caelestis.


To mark the 40th Anniversary of Gimell's first recording session, the album featuring The Tallis Scholars' famous recording of Allegri's Miserere, made on 22nd March 1980, has been specially re-mastered and is now available in High Resolution.

The album cover for the recording by Peter Phillips and The Tallis Scholars of Missa Mater Patris by Josquin des Pres and Missa Da pacem by Noel Bauldeweyn. A detail from The Coronation of the Virgin by Enguerrand Quarton (c1410-1466).

5* Performance / 5* Recording

BBC Music Magazine


"With Missa Mater Patris and Missa Da pacem our project to record all of Josquin's masses runs into controversy. Who wrote these pieces, and when? In the case of one of Josquin's greatest compositions, Missa Mater Patris, its style is so unusual that some scholars have questioned its authorship. With Missa Da pacem these questions become more pressing. Thought during the 19th century to be the most typical and perfect of all Josquin’s masses, it has recently been shown to be written by the little-known Noel Bauldeweyn. Or is it?"  Peter Phillips

The album cover for the recording by Peter Phillips and The Tallis Scholars of Missa Gaudeamus and Missa L'ami Baudichon by Josquin des Pres. A detail from Triptych of the Resurrection by Hans Memling (c. 1433-1494).

5* Performance / 5* Recording
BBC Music Magazine


This is the seventh of nine albums in The Tallis Scholars' project to record all of Josquin's masses before the composer's 500th Anniversary.

"What attracts me most about these two Masses is how the same composer could produce such different and yet compelling sound worlds: the one intensely worked, the other joyful, bright, easy-going. It might be wondered if the same man could write so diversely – I say genius on this scale knows no rules."

Peter Phillips

The Tallis Scholars sixth release in their complete cycle of Josquin's masses featured Missa Di dadi and Missa Une mousse de Biscaye. Please play the video to hear an excerpt from the Missa Di dadi.

The album cover for The Tallis Scholars sing Thomas Tallis, featuring Spem in alium, by Peter Phillips and The Tallis Scholars. A detail from Death of Saint Jerome by Fillippo Lippi ( c. 1406 – 1469).

Our Best-Seller - The Tallis Scholars sing Thomas Tallis

This specially-priced double album features our famous 1986 recording of Tallis's extraordinary motet for 40 voices, Spem in alium. In recent years our recording gained further popularity when it was featured on the BBC Radio 4 series, Soul Music, and it topped the Classical charts when Spem in alium was featured in Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James.

The album cover for Perfect Polyphony (Peter Phillips' favourite recordings of Renaissance Polyphony) by Peter Phillips and The Tallis Scholars. The photo of Peter Phillips is by Albert Roosenburg.

Peter Phillips' Favourite Recordings of Renaissance Polyphony


This specially-priced double album was released to celebrate The Tallis Scholars 2000th concert.

"When I conducted my first concert with The Tallis Scholars in 1973 I could not have imagined that we would go on to perform concerts all around the world, or that millions of people would regularly listen to our recordings. We have had the happy chance to explore deep into Renaissance polyphony: here are some of the gems that have thrilled me over the years."

Peter Phillips

A photograph of Peter Phillips and The Tallis Scholars at the White Light Festival, New York. Photo: © 2013 Kevin Yatarola, courtesy of the Lincoln Center.

Hear and see The Tallis Scholars Live in Concert


Please visit The Tallis Scholars website for details of their forthcoming concerts.

© 2024 Gimell Records.

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