Live in Rome - Celebrating Palestrina's 400th Anniversary
Peter Phillips directs The Tallis Scholars in the historic concert celebrating Palestrina's 400th anniversary, filmed in the Roman Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore where the composer sang as a choirboy and later became maestro di cappella.
This Dual Layer DVD is playable in all regions on PAL compatible players. Choose between 2 presentations and switch between them during the concert:
Illustrated Performance
Priceless artworks in the Basilica illustrate the sung texts and optional captions name the artworks and artists.
Pure Performance
100% Tallis Scholars with optional sub-titles for the sung texts.
The total duration of each presentation is 81 minutes and 34 seconds.
For the CD, Download and to Stream please click here.
What the singers see - Peter Phillips directing Palestrina's Nunc Dimittis (4' 33").
Audio Bonus - The Tallis Scholars sing Palestrina's Missa Brevis in Merton College Chapel, Oxford (21' 29"), and his Missa Assumpta est Maria in Salle Church, Norfolk, England (29' 51"), both taken from earlier recordings.
The aspect ratio is 4:3. The main presentation has Stereo sound in Linear PCM and the Surroud sound is Dolby Digital. The Audio Bonuses are in both Stereo and Surround in Dolby Digital.
The Booklet and subtitles are in English, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano.